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Tariff and Payment Options


The tariff is the unit price of natural gas to our customers and is measured in kWh (kilowatt hours). 

We offer a range of options for Credit and Direct Debit customers and a Pay As You Go Tariff for customers paying for their natural gas using a prepayment meter.  

We promise to notify you at least 21 days in advance of any change to our tariffs. 

SSE Airtricity Tariffs – Effective 1st April 2024

Domestic Tariff Table

Prepayment Meter

Current rates for Prepayment meter, valid from 1 April 2024
Prepayment Meter Pay As You Go Tariff
Ex. VAT Inc. VAT
SSE Airtricity Tariff (pence per kWh) from 1st July 2023 10.954p 11.502p
SSE Airtricity Tariff (pence per kWh) From 1st April 2024 8.445p 8.868p
Minimum Consumption Charge Not Applicable
SSE Airtricity Discount Not Applicable
  1. If you choose to pay by Prepayment Meter, you will receive an annual statement each year that states your gas consumption in previous year.
  2. A Prepayment Meter allows you to pay for your natural gas as and when you need it and you can actively monitor your usage.
  3. You can top up the meter at any PayPoint outlet with a minimum top up of £5 and a maximum of £49.
  4. Our current Prepayment Meter rate is displayed above in pence per kilowatt hour (kWh).
  5. There are no discounts available when you pay by Prepayment Meter and eligibility is subject to credit check, meter type and potentially a cost to exchange the meter.
  6. A Prepayment Meter requires you to physically access the meter, manually top-up your gas card at PayPoint outlet, and if you do not top-up there is a risk that your gas may run out.
  7. Each meter has emergency credit available (Quantum £1; Libra 15 units) which will allow your gas supply to continue. If emergency credit is used, it will be paid for and replaced the next time you top-up.
  8. If you decide to exchange your meter to a credit meter this may incur a network charge of £100.80 including VAT if you live in the Greater Belfast network area or £310.80 including VAT if you live in the Gas to the West network area.
  9. If you decide to move to a new home in the future you should run down your credit on the meter beforehand, as any unused credit can be refunded, however there may be a network charge to exchange the meter to recover your credit. If you live in the Greater Belfast network area the network charge is £100.80 or if you live in the Gas to the West network area the network charge is £310.80.
  10. If a refund is owed to you at any stage, for any reason, it will be issued by cheque or voucher within 28 days of confirmed refund amount.
  11. Replacement Cards – Libra cards can be purchased for £4 at various PayPoint outlets. Quantum cards cost £6.50 and you should contact us on 0345 900 5253 to request a new card, if required.
  12. If at any time the meter is not operating correctly, or you’re having difficulties topping up or using the meter please contact us during normal working hours. If you require support out of hours, please contact the emergency helpline on 0800 002 001.
  13. The full Terms & Conditions of your agreement can be found here.

Quarterly Credit

Current rate for Quarterly Credit, valid 1 April 2024
For first 2,000 kWh
Ex. VAT Inc. VAT
For each kWh over 2,000
Ex. VAT Inc. VAT
SSE Airtricity Tariff (pence per kWh) from 1st July 2023 15.058p 15.811p 10.317p 10.832p
SSE Airtricity Tariff (pence per kWh) from 1st April 2024 11.609p 12.190p 7.954p 8.352p
Minimum Consumption Charge Minimum Consumption Charge Suspended Minimum Consumption Charge Suspended
SSE Airtricity Discount Not Applicable Not Applicable
  1. If you choose to pay by Quarterly Credit, you will receive a bill every three months that will show the amount of natural gas used and the total outstanding balance, which is payable after 14 calendar days.
  2. Our current rate for Quarterly Credit is displayed above in pence per kilowatt hour (kWh).
  3. There are no discounts available when you pay by Quarterly Credit.
  4. Your request to pay by Quarterly Credit is subject to a credit check and a security deposit may be required if certain credit conditions are not met. Your deposit will be automatically refunded to you following 12 months of successful bill payments.
  5. From 1 November 2022, we’ll be suspending our minimum consumption charges for customers who use less than 1,678 kWh per year
  6. There are multiple ways to pay your bill – by credit or debit card online at or over the phone; at any Danske Bank branch free of charge using your bill giro; by cheque or postal order; or via any PayPoint outlet with an Energy Saver Card. Information for each of these ways to pay will be included on your bills.
  7. The full Terms & Conditions of your agreement can be found here.

Energy Saver Scheme

You can join our Energy Saver Scheme which allows you to make payments towards your next bill. You will be provided with a customer card, which you can simply take along with your payment to a local PayPoint outlet in Northern Ireland usually at petrol stations, convenience stores, supermarkets and newsagents. You will continue to receive bills each quarter which will show the natural gas used, any payments made and any outstanding balance.

Direct Debit Budget Plan

Current rate for Direct Debit Budget, valid 1 April 2024
For first 2,000 kWh
Ex. VAT Inc. VAT
For each kWh over 2,000
Ex. VAT Inc. VAT
SSE Airtricity Tariff (pence per kWh) from 1st July 2023 15.058p 15.811p 10.317p 10.832p
SSE Airtricity Tariff (pence per kWh) from 1st April 2024 11.609p 12.190p 7.954p 8.352p
Minimum Consumption Charge Minimum Consumption Charge Suspended Minimum Consumption Charge Suspended
SSE Airtricity Discount £21 £22.05 £21 £22.05
  1. If you choose to pay by Direct Debit Budget Plan, you will receive a statement every three months for the natural gas used.
  2. Your Direct Debit payment will be collected monthly on your agreed monthly payment date (your chosen date between 1 and 28 of each month.)
  3. The purpose of the budget plan is to enable you to spread the cost of your gas equally over the year in 12 equal monthly payments and avoid any expensive spikes during the winter period.

Gas consumption is heavily linked to changes in weather conditions. A typical gas customer uses two thirds of their annual usage during the colder months.

  1. Our current rate for Direct Debit Budget Plan is displayed below in pence per kilowatt hour (kWh).
  2. From 1 November 2022, we’ll be suspending our minimum consumption charges for customers who use less than 1,678 kWh per year.
  3. The Direct Debit discount is up to £22.05 including VAT per year. For consumption under 1,678 kilowatt hours the direct debit discount is £5.51 inc. VAT/ £5.25 ex. VAT per year. This is applied on a pro rata basis per billing period.
  4. Your request to pay by  Direct Debit Budget Plan is subject to a Credit Check and a security deposit may be required if certain credit conditions are not met. Your deposit will be automatically refunded to you following 12 months of successful bill payments.
  5. Any overpayments at the end of the year may be carried over into the following year’s payments as a credit or can be refunded to you upon request. If reasonable, any arrears at the end of the year may be carried over into the following year’s payments unless we ask you to pay the balance.
  6. If your usage pattern changes in any way due to a change in circumstances or the addition of further natural gas appliances, please contact us to enable a reassessment of your monthly payment amount.
  7. Should you become aware at any time that Direct Debit payments are not being collected from your account you must tell us.
  8. We will send you a confirmation of your Direct Debit Instruction via email or post within the three working days of providing your bank details and then a letter confirming your first collection date and amount. If there are any issues, we will call you to discuss.
  9. If there are any changes to the date, amount or frequency of your Direct Debit, we will always give you 10 working days notice in advance of your account being debited.
  10. The full Terms & Conditions of your agreement can be found here.
  11. The company name that will appear on your bank statement against the Direct Debit will be SSE Airtricity Gas.
  12. Pay by Direct Debit


All Direct Debits are protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee

  1. This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.
  2. If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit, SSE Airtricity Gas Supply (NI) Limited will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request SSE Airtricity Gas Supply (NI) Limited to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request.
  3. If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by SSE Airtricity Gas Supply (NI) Limited or your bank or building society you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society – if you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when SSE Airtricity Gas Supply (NI) Limited asks you to.
  4. You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

Switching Terms & Conditions

  1. You are entitled to a 14 calendar day cooling off period which will begin the day you sign up with SSE Airtricity Gas NI. To cancel your switch request you must contact us directly within the 14 calendar days following sign up.
  2. It takes a minimum of 35 calendar days for the switch to be completed which takes into account:
    • A compulsory 14 calendar day cooling off period and
    • A 21 calendar day network operator processing timeframe
  3. You will receive a letter confirming your switch date and we will arrange for one of our meter readers to visit your property around this date to record the meter reading.
  4. When your request to switch to us is processed, your current supplier will notify us if there are overdue payments (‘Arrears’) that have not been paid on your existing account. This is in line with the industry process approved by the Utility Regulator which applies to all switches. If we decide not to carry out the switch because of arrears, we will inform you in writing.

Cancellation & Termination Terms & Conditions

  1. You can terminate your gas account with us at any time by contacting us directly and there are no termination fees. When we receive notification of your request, we will close your account and issue you with a final bill. If there is a credit balance on your account this will be refunded or if there are arrears these will need to be settled.
  2. We may terminate your contract with immediate effect if you are in breach of any of our Terms and Conditions.
  3. The full Terms & Conditions of your agreement can be found here.
  4. Your first Direct Debit collection could be the month following your switch completion. You will receive a letter to confirm your Direct Debit has been set up.
  5. A copy of your Terms and Conditions of supply, the rates that apply to your account and our Energy Sales Checklist will be provided in your Welcome Pack which is sent via post or can be obtained from our website at
  6. Copies of our Privacy Notice, Codes of Practice and the Energy Consumer Checklist which is a collection of questions and subsequent answers that aim to provide practical information to consumers concerning their rights in relation to the Energy Sector are available on our website or can be provided free of charge upon request.


  1. If your account has been billed on an up-to-date meter reading and there is credit remaining, you can request to have this refunded to you.
  2. Direct Debit customers will be refunded directly into their bank account unless refund by cheque is requested.
  3. Quarterly Credit customers will be refunded by cheque.
  4. Refunds can take up to 28 days to process, however we endeavour to issue refunds sooner where possible.