Once you receive your natural gas bill, payment is due immediately. If unpaid, a reminder letter will follow. Where any balance remains unpaid, a disconnection notice will be issued to you in writing.
We will only disconnect your natural gas supply as a last resort and in order to prevent this we promise to:
- Advise you to contact us for help.
- Train our staff to offer relevant advice and help.
- Train staff to identify and signpost vulnerable customers to other organisations who offer independent advice and assistance.
- Discuss appropriate payment methods and repayment plans based on your personal circumstances and ability to pay.
- Give you a range of ways to contact us and avoid disconnection which may include fitting a Pay as You Go meter.
- Give you written notice of our intention to disconnect, if you have not contacted us.
- Advise you of any reconnection charges levied by the Network Operator and the minimum number of days it will take to reconnect, should disconnection occur.
- We will use all reasonable efforts to avoid disconnecting you if you are supplied through a non-domestic supply (e.g. if you live in a flat above a shop).
Older people, disabled, terminally ill and chronically sick customers
We will not disconnect your natural gas supply in the winter (between 1st October and 31st March) if:
- You are of pensionable age, disabled, terminally ill or chronically sick and live alone; or
- You are of pensionable age, disabled, terminally ill or chronically sick and live with others, all of whom are of pensionable age, disabled, terminally ill or chronically sick; or
- You are of pensionable age, disabled, terminally ill or chronically sick and live with others who are less than 16 years of age.
However, we will still seek to recover any amounts due to us.
If disconnection has occurred, before the supply can be reconnected you must pay the amount owed. You will also have to pay a reconnection fee. Once these payments are received the reconnection can be planned and you will be advised when this will take place, subject to the relevant minimum number of days.
Contact us on 0345 900 5253 for information on current reconnection charges.
If your supply has been disconnected and we do not hear from you, we will take legal action to recover the money you owe us, along with any incurred costs. In the unlikely event that you have been disconnected in error, please contact us immediately and we will endeavour to ensure you are reconnected within 24 hours. We will not impose any disconnection or reconnection charge where we have disconnected you in error.
Interference with the gas supply or meter
You are responsible for making sure the gas meter and equipment is protected, kept in safe condition, not damaged, stolen, subject to meter tampering or otherwise interfered with by anyone, whether deliberately or accidentally and whether with or without your knowledge or consent. Any form of meter tampering or interference with the gas supply at any property is extremely dangerous. Meter tampering is also a serious criminal offence and if your meter is confirmed by the Network Operator to have been tampered with, legal action may be taken which could result in criminal prosecution.
If the Network Operator concludes that the meter or supply at your property has been tampered or interfered with in any way, we will seek to recover all associated costs including the cost of repairing and replacing metering equipment and all charges for natural gas that has not been paid for.
The gas supply at your property may be disconnected from the natural gas network if there is a considered risk to to the health of you, your family and neighbours, and safety due to meter tampering or interference with the gas supply.
Further Advice
If you are unhappy with the level of repayment, you can contact the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland. If requested during a complaints investigation, SSE Airtricity will provide, to the Council, evidence on the procedures we used for assessing ability to pay.
If you would like some free, independent local support, you may find it helpful to contact Advice NI, who provide a range of free money advice services. You can call their office on 0800 915 4604 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, email them at advice@adviceni.net, or visit their website adviceni.net.